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Prikazuju se postovi od 2015

This year's Christmas nails

I really enjoyed doing my Christmas nails last year, and so I decided to share how I'll probably do my nails this year. It didn't turn out really neat but it's fine. I painted all my nails (except the ring finger) with a gold Avon nail polish in the shade Glimmer , which is a perfect nail polish for a festive manicure. On the ring finger, I made a Santa Claus suit. Nothing too hard or demanding, very simple and pretty. Prošle sam godine uživala dok sam si uređivala nokte u duhu Božića pa sam i ove godine odlučila s vama podijeliti kako ću si vjerojatno urediti nokte za Božić. Nije ispalo baš najurednije, ali što je tu je. Sve nokte sam, osim prstenjaka, nalakirala sa zlatnim Avon lakom u nijansi Glimmer  koji se odlično uklapa u blagdanske manikure. Na prstenjaku sam napravila odijelo Djeda Božićnjaka. Ništa preteško i zahtjevno, vrlo jednostavno i lijepo. What do you think about this manicure? My last year manicures:  Festive manicure  and  Last m...

Body&Soul makeup sponge

I have bought the Body&Soul makeup sponge in Muller and it cost around  € 2.60. I don't own the original beauty blender, so I can't compare the two. Body&Soul makeup spužvicu kupila sam u Mulleru po cijeni od 20 kuna. Ne posjedujem pravi beauty blender tako da ih ne mogu usporediti. The first and the most obvious thing is that it's pink. This beauty sponge seems to be more hard than soft. This sponge, unlike the original, does not double in size when it's damp. In a video on YouTube, I saw that the original is very soft when it's wet while this sponge stays as it is. Prva, najočitija, stvar je da je roze boje. Na prvu, ova spužva nije ni premekana ni pretvrda iako malo više naginje na tvrđu stranu. Ova spužvica se za razliku od originala ne poveća kada ju smočite. Na YouTubeu sam vidjela da je original jako mekan kada se smoči, a ova spužvica ostaje ista kakva je i bila. White particles // Bijele čestice I used this sponge to app...

Decorating my ceiling lights

Have you ever tried making 3d snowflakes? If you haven't, then maybe it's time. It's cold outside and nice and warm in the house, the perfect time for a small project and a cup of Nesquik. I made this snowflakes some time ago but if you store them nicely you can use them in the following years. I hang them every year on this ceiling light (and on the other one because we have two of them in our room) and they make our room beautiful and add a nice winter touch. Jeste li se ikad okušali u izradi 3d pahuljica? Ako niste, možda je vrijeme. Vani je hladno, a u kući lijepo toplo, taman za neki mali projekt i šalicu Nesquika. Moje pahuljice napravljene su još prije, ali ako ih lijepo spremite moći će vam poslužiti i narednih godina. Svake godine ih objesim na ovo stropno svjetlo (i na još jedno jer imamo dva u sobi) i lijepo uljepšaju prostor i stvore zimsku atmosferu. Did St. Nicholas visit you? ;) Do you like to make your own decorations? What do you think about...

Counting days until Christmas

It is the 1st of December and, to be precise, there are only 23 days 6 hours 1 minute and 59 seconds until Christmas (yaaaay). I'm counting down the days by turning the cubes that I made two years ago. I found this idea on YouTube. The cubes and the cuboid are wooden, I painted them in white with tempera. Then, I found different Christmas patterned papers on the Internet and wrote the numbers on them  in Paint. The next step was to print and glue everything. Numbers 2, 7, 1, 0, 8, 6 (serves as 9 as well) are on one cube and numbers 4, 0, 1, 2, 3 and 5 are on the other one. 1.12. je i ako ćemo biti precizni do Božića je još 23 dana 6 sati 1 minuta i 59 sekundi (jeeeej). Dane odbrojavam okrećući kocke koje sam napravila prije dvije godine. Ideju sam našla na YouTubeu. Kocke i podloga su od drveta, obojala sam ih s bijelom temperom i onda na Internetu našla razne božićne papire i na njih u Paintu napisala brojeve, isprintala ih te sve lijepo zalijepila. Na jednoj kocki su brojevi...

Non beauty favourites

A wild Friday night ;) Today is the last day of  November and I'm bringing you my favourites, my non-beauty favourites to be precise. In my previous posts, I mentioned my camera and the Harry Potter series, so I don't need to explain that. They really deserve their place in these favourites, especially the Harry Potter books in which I have been enjoying since October. Zadnji je dan mjeseca studenog i ja vam donosim svoje favorite odnosno ne kozmetičke favorite. Već sam u par postova spomenula svoj fotoaparat i serijal Harry Potter knjiga tako da mislim da ovdje ništa ne moram pretjerano objašnjavati. Stvarno zaslužuju mjesto u favoritima pogotovo serijal Harry Potter u kojemu uživam od listopada. Also, in my last post, I mentioned Duolingo and that app also deserves its place in my favourites. A month ago I couldn't understand basic French and now I know and understand some words. I'm really proud of myself because I actually learned something although I s...

Things I have made time for

I got the inspiration for this post after watching a video by Estee Lalonde called 5 things I want to make more time for. Although I have a list of things I want to make more time for in my head, recently I actually made time for some things and achieved some kind of a goal. Inspiraciju za ovaj post dobila sam nakon što sam pogledala video Estee Lalonde 5 things I want to make more time for. Iako u glavi imam popis stvari za koje želim napraviti još vremena, u zadnje vrijeme našlo se tu nekoliko stvari za koje sam doista napravila vremena i ostvarila neki svoj cilj.  The first thing I have made time for is reading. I like to read, but when I was going to high school I was mostly reading the books that I had to read for school (I maybe read some books that weren't for school). There's some interesting books on that list of books that you have to read for school (at least for me), but finally on the 15th of October I started reading books which I have chosen and  which ...

What have I been reading?

I like to share with you what I'm reading at the moment and in the last month I have been enjoying in the Harry Potter series. On the 15th of October, I borrowed Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone which I have read three years ago, but since I decided that I want to read all of the books I read it again to refresh my memory. I'm currently reading Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Volim podijeliti s vama što čitam, a u zadnjih mjesec dana uživam u serijalu Harry Potter knjiga  pa zašto to ne podijeliti i ovdje. 15.10. posudila sam knjigu Harry Potter i kamen mudraca koju sam pročitala prije tri godine, ali budući da sam odlučila da želim pročitati sve knjige, ponovno sam ju pročitala da se prisjetim svega. Trenutno čitam Harryja Pottera i plameni pehar.  I don't know about you, but for me, the Harry Potter movies are the movies I can watch over and over again, and even though I haven't seen the last part I know that it will be amazing. Some things f...

My blogging camera

I thought that it would be interesting to write something about the camera I use. I bought it on the 25th of March this year in a store called Svijet medija and it cost 2879,10 kn (about 379,83 EUR). There is a black and red version and after long thinking I decided for the red one and I don't regret it at all. With the body, I also got the AF-S DX NIKKOR 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6G VR II lens.

H&M Conscious

Two weeks ago I was cleaning my closet and decided to get rid of some things that were just taking place.  Mostly, these were old t-shirts for around the house or damaged clothing pieces. I've put it in a bag and brought it to H&M and got a 15% dicount on one clothing piece.

Plitvica Lakes National Park

Avon - Glimmer

Autumn skittlette manicure

Avon - Topaz

Avon - Diamond

A pop of colour for autumn

Essence - Play with my mint

My nail art brushes

Today I'm showing you my nail art brushes. They were ordered from eBay in 2013. I ordered them through a website that orders for you so it was a bit more expensive. They cost $1,93. Unfortunately I don't remember how long did it take them to arrive. Link to the brushes:

Avon - Decadence

Avon - Vintage boutique

Month dedicated to nails

This month I decided to do something different and dedicate a whole month to one topic. Since I have nail polishes that I haven't shown here I decided to dedicate November to nails. Throughout this month I'll show you nail polishes by Avon, an Essence nail polish, two manicures and brushes that I use for nail art. As you can see there will be a lot of blog posts. ;) I will post them every three days so the next one goes up on 5th and the last one on 29th. See you! :)

Kada i kako se početi pripremati za državnu maturu? (obvezni predmeti)

Danas ću vam tipkati o tome kako sam se pripremala za polaganje obveznih predmeta državne mature. Ako želite znati kako sam se pripremala za polaganje izbornih predmeta klik OVDJE .  U tom postu spomenula sam da sam bila odlična učenica i da sam učila kada je trebalo. To me dovodi do prvog predmeta, a to je hrvatski jezik. Išla sam u strukovnu školu, no mislim da mi je hrvatski jezik bio po gimnazijskom programu ako se ne varam. Kroz sva četiri razreda više smo se bavili književnošću nego gramatikom. U prvom razredu hrvatski je bio predmet koji baš i nisam morala učiti, ali kada se u drugom razredu vratila profesorica s porodiljnog dopusta tada je krenulo pravo učenje. Za testove i odgovaranja iz književnosti pripremala sam se vrlo detaljno. Pročitala sam sve lektire. Moje pravo pripremanje za ispit iz hrvatskog jezika uslijedilo je tek kada je škola završila. Moje mišljenje je bilo da se bolje fokusiram i usvojim gradivo hrvatskog jezika iz četvrtog razreda nego da i paralelno još...

Timeline with Wet n Wild Cherry bomb

Today I'll show you a Wet n Wild lipstick in the shade Cherry bomb which I love and if you're looking for a new autumn lipstick check out this one, it's amazing. The only thing I don't like about this lipstick is the packaging. Originally I was going to buy the one in the shade Cherry picking but I couldn't find it in Cvjetni or Avenue Mall so I decided for this one. Then, on the Wet n Wild Facebook page, I saw that new shades are available and I waited for five days to go to Zagreb to buy it, but there wasn't new shades in Cvjetni. Disappointment and sadness. :( Instead of just writing about how much does this lipstick last and how it looks after a meal and drink I decided to make a timeline with photos (I had it on my lips for five hours without fixing it). I haven't seen this type of post before so I thought it would be interesting. There will be a time mark on the photo and description below. I hope you'll like this type of post.  Danas ću vam ...

First impression: Schaebens peel-off mask

I have never tried a peel-off mask but I always wanted. I haven't done any research on the Internet to find which one I should buy. I just went to Müller and saw what they have. At the end I bought the Schaebens peel-off mask. For 15 ml you'll have to pay 7,50 kn (about  € 0,99). I tried it yesterday and today I bring you my first impressions. The mask is a gel-like texture and it has a very pleasant fruity scent. Peel-off maska je nešto što nikada nisam probala, ali već duže vrijeme želim. Nisam istraživala i tražila po internetu koju bih mogla kupiti već sam došla u Müller i pogledala što se nudi. Na kraju sam se odlučila za ovu Schaebens peel-off masku. Za 15 ml izdvojit ćete 7,50 kn. Jučer sam ju probala i danas vam donosim svoje prve dojmove. Maska je gelaste teksture i vrlo je ugodnog voćnog mirisa. What does the Schaebens says about their product? Face mask with thermal water, pearl extract, pineapple, papaya, kiwi and panthenol. For a...