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H&M Conscious

Two weeks ago I was cleaning my closet and decided to get rid of some things that were just taking place.  Mostly, these were old t-shirts for around the house or damaged clothing pieces. I've put it in a bag and brought it to H&M and got a 15% dicount on one clothing piece.

Prije dva tjedna sam sređivala ormar i odlučila se riješiti nekih stvari koje su samo zauzimale mjesto. To su većinom bile stare majice za po kući ili neki poderani odjevni predmeti. Napunila sam jednu vrećicu i odnijela je u H&M u Avenue Mallu te sam za tu vrećicu dobila 15% popusta na jedan odjevni predmet.

The goal of this action is 0% waste because the clothes that is too worn out or destroyed for re-use will be recycled. Waste has always been a big problem and this is how they want to reduce the impact of the fashion industry on environment. The textils and the clothing you bring can be sold as second hand goods, converted into other products, recycled or be used to produce energy.

Cilj ove akcije je 0% otpada jer ona odjeća koja je previše istrošena ili uništena za ponovno korištenje bit će reciklirana. Otpad je oduvijek predstavljao veliki problem, a na ovaj način želi se smanjiti utjecaj modne industrije na okoliš. Tkanine i odjeća koju donesete može se prodavati kao rabljena roba, može se prenamijeniti ako nije pogodna za nošenje, reciklirati ili iskoristiti za proizvodnju energije. 

Also, H&M does not earn on returned clothes, but for each kilogram of clothing they collect they donate 0,02 EUR to a local charity organization chosen by them. In Croatia that is Unicef which works globally for the rights of every child and so far they have donated 7,920 EUR to them.

Također, H&M ne zarađuje na vraćenoj odjeći, već za svaki kilogram prikupljene odjeće doniraju 0,02 EUR lokalnoj dobrotvornoj ustanovi po njihovom izboru. U Hrvatskoj je to Unicef odnosno međunarodni fond za djecu i dosada su im donirali 7,920 EUR.

This text is based on information from these web pages:

Tekst je temeljen na informacijama sa ovih stranica:


  1. This is a fantastic idea! I always donate my old clothes when I decide I want to get rid of them nowadays - in the past I would try to sell them, but it can be really difficult. It's great to see a brand like H&M taking the initiative to do something like this :)
    Sian xx Rebel Angel


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