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Autumn skittlette manicure

This is my first time doing a skittlette manicure and I think it turned out really good, I'm happy with the result. What I realised when doing it is that I'm not talented for drawing leaves without a help of a nail liner, but it's all about the practice and this was my first time drawing leaves on my nails. The idea is that these leaves have fallen from a tree on my middle finger in case you couldn't tell ;). The nail polishes I used are:
  • Maybelline Colorama dark red nail polish on the thumb and little finger (the number of the shade has disappeared)
  • Avon nailwear pro+ in the shade Vintage boutique on the index finger and for leaves
  • Essence nude glam in the shade Cafe ole on the middle finger and ring finger (I don't think you can buy it anymore)
  • Essence the gel nail polish collection in the shade Love is in the air (yellow leaf)
  • b.pretty nail liner for the tree and for the outline of the leaves

What do you think about this manicure?

Ovo je prvi put da sam probala napraviti skittlette manikuru i mislim da je dobro ispala, zadovoljna sam. Ono što sam shvatila je da sam totalni antitalent za crtanje lišća bez pomoći bipinog nail linera, no sve je stvar vježbe, a meni je ovo bio prvi put da radim lišće na noktima. Ideja je da je ovo lišće otpalo s drveta na srednjem prstu ako niste mogli zaključiti ;). Lakovi koje sam koristila su: 

  • Maybelline Colorama tamno crveni lak na palcu i malom prstu (broj nijanse se izbrisao)
  • Avon nailwear pro+ u nijansi Vintage boutique na kažiprstu i za lišće
  • Essence nude glam u nijansi Cafe ole na srednjem prstu i prstenjaku (mislim da više nije dostupan za kupiti)
  • Essence the gel nail polish collection u nijansi Love is in the air (žuti list)
  • b.pretty nail liner za drvo i obrub lišća
Što vi mislite o ovoj manikuri?


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