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First impression: Schaebens peel-off mask

I have never tried a peel-off mask but I always wanted. I haven't done any research on the Internet to find which one I should buy. I just went to Müller and saw what they have. At the end I bought the Schaebens peel-off mask. For 15 ml you'll have to pay 7,50 kn (about 0,99). I tried it yesterday and today I bring you my first impressions. The mask is a gel-like texture and it has a very pleasant fruity scent.

Peel-off maska je nešto što nikada nisam probala, ali već duže vrijeme želim. Nisam istraživala i tražila po internetu koju bih mogla kupiti već sam došla u Müller i pogledala što se nudi. Na kraju sam se odlučila za ovu Schaebens peel-off masku. Za 15 ml izdvojit ćete 7,50 kn. Jučer sam ju probala i danas vam donosim svoje prve dojmove. Maska je gelaste teksture i vrlo je ugodnog voćnog mirisa.

What does the Schaebens says about their product? Face mask with thermal water, pearl extract, pineapple, papaya, kiwi and panthenol. For all skin types. Cleanses the skin deep. Freed from sebum. Refines the skin’s appearance. Promotes blood circulation.

Što proizvođač kaže o proizvodu? Maska namijenjena čišćenju svih tipova kože. Sadrži ananas, papaju, kivi, pantenol, alantoin i bisabolol. Uklanja odumrle stanice, poboljošava prokrvljenost kože.

At the beginning I felt like it's cooling my face a bit, then it started to dry and on some parts, while I was talking, I could felt tightening. Which is normal because you then feel that the mask is drying.

U početku sam osjećala kao da mi malo hladi lice, a onda se počela sušiti i na nekim sam dijelovima, dok sam pričala, osjetila zatezanje. Što je normalno jer tako osjećate da se maska suši.

After 15 minutes it was time for removing the mask. I thought that peeling the mask off  the forehead is going to be hard because I've put a thinner layer there than on the rest of the face, but it turned out differently. It was so easy to peel it off on forehead. On the cheeks, where I put a bit more, I couldn't peel it off in one piece. Then I rinsed my face with water to get rid of any residues. After using this mask my face feels soft. All in all I'm happy with the result and I think it's a good mask. I still have product left for one more use so next time I know that a thin layer is enough. And one more thing, next time I won't throw the residues in the sink because it all sticks then. Thanks to my sister, my photographer, without her you wouldn't be able to see putting on and peeling off the mask.

Have you trid peel-off masks? What do you think about them?

Nakon petnaestak minuta bilo je vrijeme za uklanjanje maske. Mislila sam da će se sa čela maska najteže guliti jer sam ju ondje stavila u tanjem sloju nego na ostatak lica, ali ispalo je drugačije. Sa čela se najlakše skinula, a sa obraza, gdje sam stavila malo više, nisam ju baš mogla povući u komadu. Ostatke sam isprala vodom. Nakon skidanja maske, lice mi je mekano. Sve u svemu zadovoljna sam rezultatom i mislim da je ovo dobra maska. Još mi je ostalo proizvoda za jednu upotrebu tako da za sljedeći put znam da je i tanji sloj dosta. I još nešto, sljedeći put neću ostatke bacati u umivaonik jer se sve zalijepi. Hvala mojoj sestri, mom fotografu, bez koje ne biste mogli vidjeti stavljanje i skidanje maske.

Jeste li probali peel-off maske? Što mislite o njima? 


  1. probala sam do sad samo od Avona, ali mogla bih i ovu ;)

    1. Nisam znala da Avon ima takvu masku sad sam zainteresirana, moram ju baš pronaći :)

  2. Nisam još probala peel-off maske, ali izgledaju interesantno i mislim da ću kupiti ovu :)

  3. It is so good that you were happy with the results! Thanks for the review♥♥

  4. Nisam probala ovu, ali druge Schaebens jesam i vollim ih. Moram primijeetiti da ti je koža jako lijepa i čista, zavidim. :)

    1. Mogla bih i ja neke druge njihove maske probati da vidim kakve su! :) Hvala ti puno, ali ima tu još ožiljaka i tragova od akni! :D


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