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Things I have made time for

I got the inspiration for this post after watching a video by Estee Lalonde called 5 things I want to make more time for. Although I have a list of things I want to make more time for in my head, recently I actually made time for some things and achieved some kind of a goal.

Inspiraciju za ovaj post dobila sam nakon što sam pogledala video Estee Lalonde 5 things I want to make more time for. Iako u glavi imam popis stvari za koje želim napraviti još vremena, u zadnje vrijeme našlo se tu nekoliko stvari za koje sam doista napravila vremena i ostvarila neki svoj cilj. 

The first thing I have made time for is reading. I like to read, but when I was going to high school I was mostly reading the books that I had to read for school (I maybe read some books that weren't for school). There's some interesting books on that list of books that you have to read for school (at least for me), but finally on the 15th of October I started reading books which I have chosen and  which I want to read. If you read my last post you could find out that I'm reading the Harry Potter series and I'm currently reading the 5th part. I think I have chosen the perfect time to read these books. The cold weather, fall-winter atmosphere and the dark at 4pm allow me to get into the books easily and enjoy in every page.

Prva stvar za koju sam napravila vremena je čitanje. Volim čitati, ali dok sam išla u srednju školu čitala sam samo lektire (eventualno se možda našla neka knjiga koju sam ovako pročitala). I ima na tom popisu zanimljivih knjiga (barem meni), ali napokon sam od 15.10. krenula čitati ono što sam ja izabrala i ono što želim. Tako ste u mom zadnjem postu mogli saznati da čitam Harry Potter serijal i trenutno čitam 5. dio. Mislim da sam odabrala super vrijeme za čitanje ovih knjiga. Ovo hladno vrijeme, jesensko-zimski ugođaj i mrak koji padne u 16 sati mi omoguće da lakše uđem u knjige i uživam u svakoj stranici.

The secod thing I have made time for since the 3rd of November is learning French. I've heard for the app called Duolingo on which you can, for free, learn one or more of the 14 offered languages for English speakers. I was choosing between Italian and French and decided for French. You have to register, but I think that you only need to give your name and e-mail address and you have to pick your daily goal. Duolingo is not only an app available for mobile phones but there is also a web site. I think that this is an amazing and a very useful app. Maybe it's time for you to start learning a new language because you know what they say "A man who can speak two languages is worth two men."

Druga stvar za koju sam pronašla vremena od 3.11. je učenje francuskog jezika. Naime, čula sam za aplikaciju Duolingo na kojoj besplatno možete učiti jedan ili više od 14 ponuđenih jezika za govornike engleskoga jezika. Dvoumila sam se između francuskog i talijanskog i odluka je pala na francuski. Morate se registrirati, ali ako se ne varam traži vas samo ime i e-mail i morate izabrati dnevni cilj. Duolingo nije samo aplikacija dostupna za mobitel već postoji i web stranica. Mislim da je ovo odlična i vrlo korisna aplikacija. Možda je vrijeme da probate naučiti još jedan jezik jer znate kako kažu "Čovjek vrijedi onoliko koliko jezika govori!"

And the third thing I have made time for is getting to know my camera more. In the post where I was writing about which camera I use I mentioned that lately I have been spending more time on learning about different functions and terms because I want to get more independent in photography and don't want to rely on the camera but to be able to set aperture, shutter speed, ISO on my own. My source of information is obviously YouTube. The channel on which I have, so far, found the most useful information is this.

I treća stvar za koju sam pronašla vremena je bolje upoznavanje moga fotoaparata. U postu gdje sam vam pisala koji fotoaparat koristim sam spomenula da sam se u zadnje vrijeme više posvetila upoznavanju određenih funkcija i pojmova jer želim steći neku samostalnost u fotografiji odnosno ne ovisiti o fotoaparatu već biti sposobna sama namjestiti i odrediti otvor blende, brzinu zatvarača, ISO... Izvor mojih informacija je naravno YouTube. Kanal na kojem sam zasada našla najviše korisnih informacija je ovaj.

Do you have a list of things that you want to make more time for or there are already things you have made time for?

Imate li vi popis stvari za koje želite napraviti još vremena ili postoje stvari za koje ste već našli vremena?


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