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Makeup Revolution Golden Sugar 2 Rose Gold

Hello everyone! Today I'm going to write about the Golden Sugar 2 Rose Gold palette by Makeup Revolution. 

Bok svima! Danas ću vam tipkati o Golden Sugar 2 Rose Gold paleti od Makeup Revolutiona. 

Not all the photos were taken on the same day. On some I have a different highlighter.
Fotografije nisu nastale isti dan. Na nekima imam drugačiji highlighter.
There is 8 different colours in the palette, you can use them as blushes, highlighters and maybe as bronzers (I haven't tried that yet) and there is also a big mirror! The packaging is plastic, it's holding good, I still haven't dropped it so I'm not sure how well would it survive the fall but knowing me it'll happen soon so we'll see. Letters at the front rubbed off but that's not something that bothers me. I think that the shades are beautiful and that you get a good value for money considering that you can use it on your face and on your eyes. 

U paleti dobijete 8 nijansi koje možete koristiti kao rumenila, highlightere, a možda i kao bronzere (u tome se još nisam okušala) i veliko ogledalo! Pakiranje je plastično, dovoljno čvrsto za sada, još mi nije ispala pa vam ne mogu reći što se dogodi nakon pada, ali kakva sam ja uskoro će mi ispasti pa ćemo vidjeti. Slova s prednje strane već su praktički nestala, no to nije nešto što mi pretjerano smeta. Mislim da su nijanse prelijepe i da je paleta isplativa s obzirom da je možete koristiti i na licu i na očima.


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