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My blogging camera

I thought that it would be interesting to write something about the camera I use. I bought it on the 25th of March this year in a store called Svijet medija and it cost 2879,10 kn (about 379,83 EUR). There is a black and red version and after long thinking I decided for the red one and I don't regret it at all. With the body, I also got the AF-S DX NIKKOR 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6G VR II lens.

Mislila sam da bi bilo zanimljivo da vam nešto kratko napišem o fotoaparatu koji koristim. Kupila sam ga 25.3. ove godine u Svijetu medija i koštao je 2879,10 kn. Postoji crna i crvena verzija, a ja sam se nakon dugo razmišljanja odlučila za crvenu i nimalo ne žalim. Uz tijelo sam dobila i objektiv AF-S DX NIKKOR 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6G VR II.

Before making a purchase, of course, I did a bit of research. I looked what cameras are offering at that time and read a few rewies. This one I discovered on a YouTube channel, I liked the quality of the video so I asked the girl what camera she uses and she replied politely. After that I looked at the prices, searched where it is the most affordable and hoped for a some kind of a special offer, which happened, instead of 3199 kn (about 422,04 EUR) I payed 2879,10 kn (about 379,83 EUR), great deal I would say. :D

Prije kupnje sam naravno malo istražila opcije, gledala koji se fotoaparati nude i pročitala par recenzija. Ovaj sam otkrila na jednom YouTube kanalu odnosno svidjela mi se kvaliteta videa te sam djevojku pitala koji fotoaparat koristi i ona mi je ljubazno odgovorila. Nakon toga sam istražila cijene, vidjela gdje je najpovoljniji i nadala se nekoj akciji, što se i dogodilo jer sam umjesto 3199 kn platila 2879,10 kn, odlična ušteda rekla bih. :D

This is my first DSLR camera and I think it is great for begginers. Before buying it I wasn't familiar with terms like shutter speed, aperture and other. After buying it I watched a users guide on YouTube to understand what all the options on the camera dial mean. I was mostly shooting in the auto mode, gradually I started to trying out different options, but somehow I always avoided the manual mode. That's because I think that the camera does an amazing job on its own.

Ovo mi je prvi DSLR fotoaparat i mislim da je odličan za početnike. Prije kupnje nisam bila upoznata sa svim pojmovima kao što su brzina zatvarača, otvor blende i slično. Nakon kupnje sam pogledala vodič za korisnike na YouTubeu kako bi shvatila što znače sve opcije na kotačiću i ostalo. Većinom sam se držala auto modea te malo pomalo probavala i ostale opcije, ali sam nekako uvijek izbjegavala manual mode. Zato što mislim da fotoaparat odličan posao obavi i sam.

For the photos on the blog I mostly used the auto mode, auto flash off, macro and aperture priority mode if I remember correctly. I used the manual mode when I was taking photos of the Moon (my last post in August) and in the H&M Conscious post, but this month I was experimenting more and finally dedicated more time to my amazing camera. I'll be talking about that in one of my next posts.

Za fotografije na blogu većinom sam koristila auto mode, auto flash off, macro i aperture priority mode ako se dobro sjećam. Manual mode sam koristila kada sam fotografirala mjesec (zadnji post u 8. mjesecu) i u postu H&M Conscious, no ovaj mjesec sam malo više eksperimentirala i napokon se posvetila svom dragom fotoaparatu o čemu će biti riječ u jednom od sljedećih postova.


  1. Odličan fotić. Ja imam isto nikon samo d 3100 već par godina i super sam zadovoljna.

  2. What a fun looking camera, really cool color! :)
    Btw, if you'd like to learn more about using your dslr on manual mode (which I recommend more than anything), I'd suggest checking out this website - it helped me a lot with he subscription mails and the challenges. :)
    Also, if you want, I can help you too, just send me an email or tweet me! :)

    1. Thank you so much for your help! I will check that website! :D


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