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Starting with blushes

I'm not an expert when it comes to blushes, but I know something. I was always afraid of blushes because I thought that I wouldn't know how to apply them or that I will have an ugly peach line on my cheeks and look like a clown.

Nisam stručnjak kada su u pitanju rumenila, ali znam ponešto. Uvijek me bilo strah rumenila jer sam mislila da ih neću dobro staviti i da ću imati jako ružnu crtu i izgledati kao klaun.

I got my first blush in December, 2013 as a part of a suitcase with makeup from Müller which my sister gave me for Christmas. You get one more blush in that suitcase but I wasn't interested in using it because it is really, really pink. For someone who is just starting with blushes, soft shades like peach are great in my opinion. It is hard to overdo with them and you can easily build them up. I'm very happy because of this first positive experience with blushes and when I wasn't sure if I had applied too much I would always ask someone for opinion. Also, at that time I had bought Essence all about matt loose powder which has done an amazing job in blending the blush and my bb creme together so I was sure that there isn't rough transitions.

Prvo rumenilo sam dobila u prosincu 2013. kao dio kofera iz Müllera koji mi je sestra poklonila za Božić. U koferu se dobije još jedno rumenilo, ali nisam bila zainteresirana za njega jer je jako, jako rozo. Za nekoga tko tek počinje s rumenilima, blage nijanse boje breskve su super po mom mišljenju. Teško je pretjerati, a lako ih se nadogradi. Jako sam sretna zbog tog prvog pozitivnog iskustva s rumenilima, a kada nisam bila sigurna jesam li pretjerala uvijek sam pitala nekoga za mišljenje. Također sam u to vrijeme kupila Essence all about matt puder u prahu koji je odlično blendao rumenilo i bb kremu tako da sam bila sigurna da nema nikakvih grubih prijelaza.

When I almost ran out of that blush I had bought the one from Maybelline. The color is similar to the one from Müller. I really like this blush for many reasons: the color, with which you'll hardly overdo, it is not expensive and the packaging is really simple and small.

Zatim sam, nakon što sam već skoro potrošilo rumenilo iz kofera, kupila Maybelline rumenilo. Slične je boje kao ovo iz Müllera. Meni se osobno ovo rumenilo jako sviđa zbog više razloga, a to su boja, s kojom teško da ćete pretjerati, pristupačna cijena i jako jednostavno malo pakiranje. 

And the last blush is from Makup Revolution. This blush has more pink in it than the other two and honestly I don't think it is a blush for beginners. Unlike the blushes in peach colors, this color is more visible on your cheeks and if you haven't applied it good it will not go unnoticed. Less is more when it comes to this blush.

I zadnje rumenilo je od Makeup Revolutiona. Ovo rumenilo ima više rozoga u sebi nego ostala dva i iskreno po meni nije rumenilo za početnike. Za razliku od rumenila boje breskve ova boja će se više vidjeti na vašim obrazima i ako je niste dobro stavili pa neće baš proći neopaženo. Manje je više kod ovog rumenila.

My conclusion is that it is best to start with peach blushes and master the technique of applying the blush with them. You can see the brush that I use to apply my blush on the first photo. It is the brush from the Müller suitcase which still does the job. You can learn how to apply blush with it, but in the future I will buy myself a new brush. I can't say that it is not good, but I know that I will feel the difference when I buy and use more quality brush. And the thing I forgot to mention is how did I even learn to apply the blush. My answer is: YouTube.

I zaključak na kraju. Mislim da je najbolje krenuti s rumenilima boje breskve i usavršiti tehniku s njima. Što se tiče kista s kojim nanosim rumenilo mogli ste ga vidjeti na gornjoj slici. To je onaj kist iz Müller kofera koji me još uvijek služi. Za naučiti kako nanijeti rumenilo me poslužio, ali u budućnosti ću si kupiti drugi kist. Ne mogu reći da nije bio dobar, no znam da ću osjetiti razliku kada kupim i upotrijebim kvalitetniji kist. I ono što sam zaboravila spomenuti je kako sam naučila nanijeti rumenilo. Odgovor na to pitanje je: YouTube.


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