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Favorite songs of the week

This week I've been listening to three songs over and over again. The first one is River flows in you. One word: perfection. Every time I listen to it I wish that I knew how to play a piano so I could play it. It is really beautiful. I had it on replay in May but then I stopped listening to it and this week I'm listening to it several times per day. When I need something to relax I just hit play on that song and I'm good.
Ovaj tjedan sam stalno slušala 3 pjesme. Prva je River flows in you. Jednom riječju: savršenstvo. Dok ju slušam poželim da znam svirati klavir pa da zasviram. Stvarno je prekrasna. Krenula sam ju stalno slušati još u svibnju pa sam onda prestala i sad ju cijeli ovaj tjedan slušam po više puta na dan. Kad mi treba nešto za opuštanje samo si to pustim.

The second one is Flashlight by Jessie J. I found it by accident on YouTube the other day and since then I've been listening to it constantly. When I like a song I can listen to it all day. What I like about this song is the music and words. Pay attention to her makeup in the video, I like it a lot!

Druga pjesma je Flashlight od Jessie J. Slučajno sam ju pronašla na YouTube-u neki dan i otada je stalno slušam. Kada mi se sviđa neka pjesma mogu je slušati cijeli dan bez prestanka. Ono što mi se sviđa kod ove pjesme su lagana glazba i riječi. Obratite pažnju na njen makeup u spotu, meni se jako sviđa!

And the last song is the Seasons by Olly Murs. I can't remember when I heard it the first time, but I immediately liked the rhythm. It's a great song.

I zadnja pjesma je Seasons od Ollyja Mursa. Ne znam kad sam ju prvi put čula, ali odmah mi se svidio ritam. Super je pjesma.

What have you been listening to this week? Have a nice day! :)

Što ste vi slušali ovaj tjedan? Uživajte u ostatku dana! :)


  1. Obozavam sve tri pjesme :) River flows in you je jednostavno savrsena..vjecna i predivna :)
    Flashlight takodjer volim a i Seasons mi je bas super, pogotovo spot zanimljiv :)
    Ovaj tjedan sam najvise slusala novu pjesmu od Selene Gomez, Good for you a i novu pjesmu od Nine Kraljic koja mi je bas dobra i drukcija :D

    1. Idem poslušati od Selene i Nine pjesme da vidim kakve su ;)


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