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New in #5

Hello everyone! My last new in was in January and since then I have bought just few things which I'm going to show you today. I wasn't shopping a lot because I'm saving my money. ;)

Bok svima! Zadnji new in je bio u siječnju i otada sam kupila samo nekoliko stvarčica koje ću vam danas pokazati. Nisam puno kupovala budući da štedim novce. ;)

I bought Garnier cleansing wipes in DM and they cost 19,90 kn (if i remember well). DM had buy one, get one free promotion so I got the second packaging for free. In the packaging you get 25 ultra cleansing wipes and each wipe contains 2 doses of cleansing milk for removing longwear and waterproof makeup. It removes my eyemakeup nicely, but the rest of makeup not so good I think. When I would use a cotton pad with clindamycin there would be a trace of my foundation or a bb creme left on it. Also, my skin is not sticky after using.
Garnier maramice za skidanje šminke sam kupila u DM-u po cijeni od 19,90 kn (ako se dobro sjećam). DM je tada imao akciju 1+1 pa sam drugi paket dobila gratis. U pakiranju dobijete 25 maramica i svaka maramica sadrži dvostruku dozu mlijeka za uklanjanje postojane i vodootporne šminke. Šminku s očiju mi ukloni dobro, ali ostatak šminke baš i ne. Kada bih kasnije prešla neka područja s blazinicom na kojoj je bilo klindamicina na blazinici bi još malo ostajalo pudera ili bb kreme. Također, koža mi nije ljepljiva nakon upotrebe.

I Want Candy blush in the shade Blushing was not planned, I bought it so I can order products from Pink Panda because my order was too small. It costs 30,90 kn. If I see well there is no shimmer in it. The color is very pretty and I can't describe it  because I'm bad at describing colors, but it is too pink for my taste. I'm more into peach blushes. The time it lasts on face is nothing special. After eight hours it's like it hasn't been there (in this case I had the bb creme on my face). As the time passes, the color intensity decreases. Maybe it would last longer if I had normal foundation on.

I Want Candy rumenilo u nijansi Blushing sam kupila tek toliko da mogu naručiti proizvode s Pink Pande jer mi je falilo nekih 20 kuna da narudžba prođe. Rumenilo košta 30,90 kn. Ako ja dobro vidim shimmera nema. Jako je lijepe boje koju mi je jako teško opisati jer mi opisivanje boja nije jača strana, ali previše je rozo za mene. Više volim rumenila boje breskve. Vrijeme trajanja na licu nije ništa posebno. Nakon 8 sati kao da ga nije ni bilo na licu (u ovom slučaju na licu sam imala bb kremu). Kako vrijeme prolazi tako intenzitet boje opada. Možda bi trajalo duže da sam imala normalan tekući puder ispod.

Recenty I ordered Magic Effects Matte Top Coat from Avon. Unfortunately I don't remember the price. I won't write anything about it in this post because I have in plan to do a "testing" post with it.

Iz Avona sam nedavno naručila Magic Effects Matte Top Coat. Cijene se nažalost ne sjećam. U ovom postu neću ništa pisati o njemu jer imam u planu napraviti jedan "testing" post s njim.

I bought the Catrice Prime and Fine eyeshadow base at the beginig of June, but I haven't used it enough to write about it. What makes it different from the Avon and Essence base is the texture.

Catrice Prime and Fine bazu za sjenila kupila sam na početku lipnja, ali nisam ju koristila dovoljno dugo da mogu pisati o njoj. Ono po čemu se razlikuje od Avon i Essence baze je tekstura.

When I gave my sister the money to buy me an Essence liquid eyeliner she accidentally bought me this one, because the thing that makes it different from the one I use is the shape of the bottle and the aplicator (do you know on which one I think?). I wanted the one that has a brush applicator, but never mind, luckily I didn't throw away my old one. I use the liquid from the new one and a brush from the old one. I just don't like this applicator as it's not very precise.

Kada sam sestri dala novce da mi kupi Essence tekući tuš zabunom mi je kupila ovaj jer se od onoga koji ja koristim razlikuje samo po obliku bočice i aplikatoru (znate na koji mislim?). Htjela sam onaj koji ima kistić, ali nema veze, sreća pa nisam bacila stari. Od ovog novog koristim tekućinu, a od starog kistić. Jednostavno mi se ne sviđa ovaj aplikator jer mi nije dovoljno precizan.

When the spring started I wanted a new bright lipstick and decided for the Avon Extra Lasting rouge in the shade Fiery red. My lips are not dry after using. The time it lasts on lips is amazing, I can drink and eat and it will stay on my lips. The only area on which it fades out is the corner of the lips.

Kada je počelo proljeće htjela sam neki novi svijetao ruž i odlučila sam se za Avon Extra Lasting ruž u nijansi Fiery red. Usne mi nisu suhe nakon upotrebe. Vrijeme trajanja na usnama je odlično, mogu jesti i piti, a on će ostati na mjestu jedino područje s kojeg nestane je oko kuta usana. 

And the last two products are eyeshadows. First one is the baked eyeshadow from the Makeup Revolution in the shade Heavenly. You can tell it is a pretty color (great for summer) by its name. The second one is a Maybelline eyeshadow in the shade 603.

I zadnja dva proizvoda su sjenila. Prvo je pečeno sjenilo od Makeup Revolutiona u nijansi Heavenly. Po samom imenu zaključujete da se radi o predivnoj nijansi, odličnoj za ljeto. Drugo je Maybelline sjenilo u nijansi 603.

What do you like the most? What have you bought recently? :)

Što vam se najviše sviđa? Što ste vi kupili u posljednje vrijeme? :)


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