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July favorites

The first favorite of the month of July is Alverde All in one mascara. I think that it is a great mascara, I like how my eyelashes look when I put it on and I just love it. I got it from a friend, so I don't know the exact price, but I think that it cost less than 30 kn. The thing that maybe won't  everyone like when they open this mascara is its smell which is not a problem for me.

Prvi favorit mjeseca srpnja je Alverde All in one maskara. Meni je maskara odlična, sviđa mi se kako moje trepavice izgledaju kad ju stavim i jednostavno ju obožavam. Dobila sam ju od prijateljice, pa ne znam točnu cijenu, ali mislim da ne prelazi 30kn. Ono što se možda neće svidjeti svima kad otvore ovu maskaru je miris koji meni ne predstavlja veliki problem.

The next favorite is a Body Resort Atlantic Figs body spray which smells amazing! I have never tried figs, I don't know how figs smell and I have never had anything with a fig scent so this spray was a pleasant surprise for me. You can buy it in Kozmo.

Sljedeći favorit je Body Resort Atlantic Figs sprej za tijelo koji miriši savršeno! Nisam nikada probala smokve, ne znam kako miriše i nikad nisam imala nešto što miriši kao smokve i zato mi je ovaj sprej ugodno iznenađenje. Možete ga kupiti u Kozmu.

Nail polish which is an obvious favorite of this month is a neon blue Gabrini nail polish. :D

Lak za nokte koji je očiti favorit je neon plavi Gabrini lak. :D 

I love to try shower gels and this month's favorite is a Nivea cream shower mild scent & valuable almond milk. The thing that always attracts me to Nivea products is their scent. The scent of this gel is really delicate and nice. I also like its nice packaging.

Obožavam isprobavati gelove za tuširanje, a favorit ovog mjeseca je Nivea cream shower mild scent & valuable almond milk. Ono što me uvijek privuče kod Nivea proizvoda je miris. Miris ovog gela je jako nježan i lijep. Također mi se sviđa i jednostavno pakiranje.

Songs that I've been listening over and over again are Boom Clap (Charli XCX) and Somebody to you (The Vamps). Album which I have listened multiple times and which I like a lot is Multiply (X) by Ed Sheeran. I only have words of praise for this. Really great album!

Pjesme koje sam neprestano slušala su Boom Clap (Charli XCX) i Somebody to you (The Vamps). Album koji sam poslušala više puta i koji mi se jako sviđa je Multiply (X) Eda Sheerana. Imam samo riječi hvale. Odličan album!

Movie of this month is Divergent.

Film ovog mjeseca je Različita.

And that is it for my july favorites. What are your favorites? Have you tried any of these products?

I to bi bilo to za favorite mjeseca srpnja. Koji su vaši favoriti? Jeste li probali neki od ovih proizvoda?


  1. zainteresirala si me za ovu Alverde maskaru :)

  2. Imaš baš lijepe trepavice, ne vjerujem da bimeni ta maskara odgovarala :) Obožavam Divergent, mada još uvijek nisam film pregledala, knjige su odlične :)

    1. Hvala :D
      film je super,a knjige planiram pročitati uskoro ;)


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