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Tidying up

The time has come for me to organize my make up corner and to throw away everything that has been collecting dust for a long time. 

Napokon sam odlučila malo organizirati svoju make up kolekciju i baciti šminku koja već neko vrijeme skuplja prašinu.
I really liked the Ebelin beauty sponge but I didn't use it in a long time and it has just been sitting in my make up corner. After not liking the beauty sponge I bought in Muller (if you want to see what I think about it you can click on this link: Body&Soul makeup sponge) this one was quite a surprise. I'm not sure when did I buy it but if they haven't made some major changes, then it's a good beauty sponge considering its price.

Ebelin beauty spužvicu nisam koristila već dugo dugooo, a i već duže vrijeme samo stoji u mom make up kutku pa je vrijeme da ju bacim. Iako mi se nije svidio blender iz Mullera (ako želite vidjeti moje dojmove o njemu kliknite na ovaj link: Body&Soul makeup sponge), ovaj od Ebelina me baš iznenadio. Nisam točno sigurna kada sam kupila ovaj blender, ali za te novce je odličan ako nisu nešto mijenjali.
I'm not keeping two foundations and both of them are from Catrice. The first one is the All Matt plus foundation in the shade 020 nude beige and the second one is the HD Liquid Coverage foundation in the shade 020 rose beige (link for the blog post about it: HD Liquid Coverage foundation).  Both of them were good and I've used up the whole bottle of the All Matt plus foundation. On the other hand, I haven't used up the HD Liquid Coverage foundation because the shade was too pink for me and it's a shame because it was a good foundation. I'm also getting rid of the two Catrice Camouflage concealers (010 porcellain and 020 light beige) just because I know they have been opened and used way more than the recommended 6 months. I'm throwing away a pressed powder from Avon, a Makeup Revolution blush I Want Candy in the shade Blushing and a Maybelline Colorama blush. The blush from Maybelline was my first blush and overall it was good. I also liked the blush from Makeup Revolution, the shade is really nice but out of these three products its packaging is the worst.

Sljedeća na redu su dva tekuća pudera i oba su od Catricea.  Prvi je All Matt plus tekući puder u nijansi 020 nude beige, a drugi je HD Liquid Coverage puder u nijansi 020 rose beige (link na post o ovom puderu: HD Liquid Coverage tekući puder). Iako su oba pudera dobra samo sam All Matt plus potrošila cijeli. Nisam potrošila cijeli HD Liquid Coverage puder jer mi nijansa ne odgovara odnosno preroz je za mene. Također sam iz svoje kolekcije odlučili maknuti i dva korektora od Catricea (010 porcellain and 020 light beige) jer znam da su otvoreni i korišteni duže od preporučenih 6 mjeseci. Vrijeme je i da bacim Avonov puder u kamenu, Makeup Revolution rumenilo I Want Candy u nijansi Blushing i Maybelline Colorama rumenilo. Maybelline rumenilo je bilo prvo rumenilo koje sam kupila i sve u svemu mi se svidjelo. Također mi se svidjela i nijansa Makeup Revolution rumenila, ali od ova tri rumenila ima najgore pakiranje.
I'm throwing away two eyeshadow bases, one from Essence and one from Catrice. I don't really remember if they actually worked, but I know that they are old and that I haven't used them in a long time. I'm throwing away the eyeshadows from the photo above because I had them for a long time. There were actually some good eyeshadows in the set from Muller that my sister bought me a couple of years ago. I also really liked the orangey gold eyeshadow from the Alverde and the Shiseido cream eyeshadow (PK214) in a nice pink shimmery shade.

Bacam i dvije baze za sjenilo, jednu od Essencea i jednu od Catricea. Stvarno se ne sjećam jesu li mi pomogle, no stare su i nisam ih koristila već dugo pa je vrijeme da ih bacim. I sjenila s gornje fotografije bacam jer ih imam već jako dugo.  U onom malom makeup koferu iz Mullera kojeg mi je sestra kupila za jedan Božić bilo je čak i dobrih sjenila, no prošlo je već dosta otkad sam ga dobila. Obožavala sam koristiti i narančasto zlatno sjenilo od Alverdea i kremasto Shiseido sjenilo (PK214) u prekrasnoj rozoj shimmery nijansi.

I'm not really into lip glosses but I remember really liking the Shiseido lip gloss in the shade petal pink. It was pretty and I kept it because I liked how it looked but it's time to say goodbye. There's also some other lip products I'm throwing away which you can see on the photo but the only one which is worth mentioning is the Avon lipstick in the shade lucky kiss. This one I kept because I believe it was my first lipstick and I also really liked the shade but there's no point in keeping it.

Ne volim baš sjajila za usne i jedno od rijetkih koje sam koristila i koje mi se zapravo svidjelo je Shiseido sjajilo u nijansi petal pink. Isto je dio moje kolekcije već dugo i nisam ga bacila jer mi je pakiranje bilo lijepo pa je više stajalo kao ukras, ali vrijeme je da se oprostimo. Također bacam još neke proizvode za usne koje možete vidjeti na fotografiji, ali jedini ruž kojeg bih spomenula je Avon ruž u nijansi lucky kiss. Čuvala sam ga jer mi je to prvi ruž i obožavala sam ovu nijansu, ali nema ga smisla čuvati i vrijeme je da ga bacim.
And lastly, I decided to include nail polishes that are no longer part of my collection. I don't want this post to be too long so I'll just put the links of the blog posts with more photos of how these nailpolishes look on the nails: Avon - GlimmerGabrini nail polishesAvon - Vintage boutique.

I za kraj u ovaj post sam odlučila uključiti i lakove koji više nisu dio moje kolekcije. Ne želim da ovaj post bude predug pa ću staviti linkove na moje postove koji imaju više slika kako ovi lakovi izgledaju na noktima: Avon - GlimmerGabrini lakoviAvon - Vintage boutique.

I am not going to lie, I didn't throw away everything that has been opened more than recommended but I don't know anyone who does so I don't feel guilty. How do you keep track of when did you start using a particular make up item and its expiry date?

Nisam bacila sve što je otvoreno duže od preporučenoga, ali iskreno ne znam nikoga tko to radi tako da se ne osjećam krivom. Na koji način vi vodite računa o roku trajanja vaše šminke?

Here's my summer vlog if you missed it // Ljetni vlog ako ste ga propustili

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