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17 reasons why I love my sister

17 years ago, on the 27th of February, 1999, my sister was born. A person who, besides my parents, has been my biggest support throughout these 17 years, a person who is always there for me. That's the reason why I decided to dedicate this post to her on her birthday and to write reasons why I love her. However, we all know that there is more than 17 reasons why I love my sister!

Prije 17 godina, 27.2.1999., na svijet je stigla moja sestra. Osoba koja mi je kroz ovih 17 godina uz roditelje, najveća potpora i oslonac, osoba na koju uvijek mogu računati i zato sam joj za njezin rođendan odlučila posvetiti ovaj post i navesti razloge zašto je volim. Iako, razloga naravno ima puno više nego 17!

1. She always has time for me, no matter what. 
Bez obzira na sve uvijek ima vremena za mene.

2. She appreciates my strengths and weaknesses. 
Cijeni i moje mane i moje vrline.

3. She's always honest with me.
Uvijek mi sve iskreno kaže.

4. Although she's younger than me she gives me great advice. 
Iako je mlađa od mene dijeli odlične savjete.

5. She always supports me in everything. 
Uvijek me podupire u svemu.

6. She's there for me when I'm sad. 
Tješi me kada sam tužna.

7. Even if I'm sending her million messages while she's studying she'll always reply.
Čak i ako joj dosađujem s milijun poruka dok uči uvijek će mi odgovoriti.

8. She always pushes me to go forward and to be the best version of myself.
Tjera me da idem dalje i da dam najbolje od sebe.

9. She doesn't take our little sister fights seriously.
Naše male sestrinske svađe ne shvaća ozbiljno.

10. She's never jealous of me, she's always happy and proud of my accomplishments.
Nikada nije ljubomorna na mene, uvijek je sretna i ponosna zbog mojih uspjeha.

11. If something's wrong she's going to try and cheer me up.
Ako nešto nije u redu pokušat će me oraspoložiti.

12. She doesn't take my jokes seriously.
Ne shvaća moje šale ozbiljno.

13. She's always going to tell me if my behaviour is annoying.
Uvijek će mi reći ako ju je nešto zasmetalo u mom ponašanju.

14. She's always going to give me an honest opinion.
Uvijek joj se mogu obratiti ako trebam iskreno mišljenje oko nečega.

15. She appreciates my advice.
Cijeni moje savjete.

16. She gives great hugs!
Dijeli odlične zagrljaje!

17. She has a lot of patience for me and my stubbornness.
Ima strpljenja za mene i moju tvrdoglavost.

Dear Ariana, I wish you a happy birthday! I love you! :*

Draga Ariana, želim ti sretan rođendan! Voli te tvoja seka! :*


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