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Starting with eyeliners

With the Essence liquid eyeliner with the brush applicator I've used the liquid from the Essence liquid eyeliner with the ultra soft tip (I explained why in my New in #5 blog post; it's only temporarily)
I started using eyeliners in the first year of high school if I remember well and I can say that I've mastered the technique, I even apply it for my sister. :D It all comes down to practising. At the beginning I was better in thick lines because thin lines required more precision.

Tuš sam počela koristiti u prvom razredu srednje škole ako se ne varam i mogu reći da sam svladala tehniku čak ga i sestri stavljam. :D Sve se svodi na vježbanje. U početku su mi bolje išle malo deblje linije jer za tanke je trebala dodatna preciznost.

First I started using the Essence eyeliner pen. I think that this type of eyeliner is the best and easiest for beginners. It's very easy to use, but I don't use it anymore because it dries out quickly. Until I tried liquid eyeliner I've spent 3 or more these in pen form. You master the technique with them and then you can easily use liquid eyeliners. I've also tried the Maybelline eyeliner in pen form from my friend and it's nothing special. It does the same job as the Essence one, but it costs more. For the beginning I recommend you the more affordable one.

Prvo sam počela koristiti Essence tuš u olovci. Mislim da je takav tip tuša najbolji i najjednostavniji za početnike. Vrlo je jednostavan za korištenje, ali sada ga više ne koristim jer se brzo osuši. Dok nisam probala tekući tuš, potrošila sam oko 3 ili više tih u olovci. S njima svladate tehniku i onda s lakoćom možete koristiti tekuće tuševe. Probala sam i Maybelline tuš u olovci od prijateljice i po meni nije ništa posebno. Napravi isti posao kao i Essence tuš, a košta više. Tako da vam za početak preporučam ovaj pristupačniji.

Then I started using the Essence liquid eyeliner (ultra soft tip) and although I used it I don't like it anymore because of its applicator. It's hard for me to get the thin line with it. I don't recommend you to start with this one.

Zatim sam prešla na  Essence tekući tuš (ultra soft tip) i iako sam ga koristila sada mi nije drag zbog aplikatora jer mi je s njim teško postići tanku liniju. Nikako ne preporučam da krenete s njim.

And last, my favorite Essence liquid eyeliner (brush applicator) which I absolutely love. I love the brush which is thin enough so I can get thin and thick lines. Because of its brush wing is not a problem for me.

Na kraju moj najdraži Essence tekući tuš kojeg obožavam. Sviđa mi se kistić koji je dovoljno tanak pa mogu postići i tanku i deblju liniju. Zbog tog kistića ni produžetak odnosno krilo mi nije problem.

I want to mention that I haven't tried the gel eyeliner so I don't know anything about it. Also my sister recently bought the Avon mega effects eyeliner and I personally don't like because of its applicator. It's kind of clumsy for me to work with it.

Samo da spomenem da još jedino nisam probala tuš u gelu tako da tu nemam iskustva. Također sestra je nedavno kupila Avonov mega effects tuš i meni se osobno ne sviđa zbog aplikatora. Nekako mi je nespretno raditi s njim.

I sometimes do the one eye perfectly and then I pray that I can do the same thing on the other. It's all about practice. The more you practise, you'll make less mistakes  and it will get easier. :)

Have a nice day! :)

Zna mi se nekad dogoditi da na jedno oko stavim savršeno tuš i onda se molim da uspijem i drugo. Sve je stvar vježbe. Što više vježbate, manje ćete griješiti i biti će vam lakše. :)

Želim vam ugodan dan! :)


  1. Ah kako je super imati sestru pa onda ona nešto kupi i imaš priliku isprobati više stvari a ne potrošiti puno (svojih) novaca :D
    Meni je naj Essence tekući ali onaj u "tubici".

    1. Slažem se haha, tako sam puno stvari isprobala, a nisam potrošila ništa :D


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