Hello everyone! Today I'm going to share with you my plans for the summer.
My school year ended on June 13!! :) I finished 3rd grade which means that I'm a senior next year. I think that next year will be more stressful than joyful but that's just an assumption. It doesn't feel like the end of the school year because of the weather and I feel like the time flew by so fast. It wasn't easy because of all the tests and oral exams but I'm glad it's finally over.
My school year ended on June 13!! :) I finished 3rd grade which means that I'm a senior next year. I think that next year will be more stressful than joyful but that's just an assumption. It doesn't feel like the end of the school year because of the weather and I feel like the time flew by so fast. It wasn't easy because of all the tests and oral exams but I'm glad it's finally over.
Bok svima! Danas ću ukratko podijeliti s vama moje planove za ljeto.
Započet ću s tim da mi je u petak, 13.6. završila škola!! :) Završila sam 3. razred, a to znači da sam sljedeće školske godine maturantica. Mislim da će tu biti više stresa nego veselja. Zbog vremena uopće nisam imala osjećaj da je kraj školske godine, ali eto i on je stigao brzo. Bilo je razdoblje kad je bilo naporno zbog svih odgovaranja i testova i drago mi je da je napokon sve završilo.
On the 28th of June, I'm going on a 10 day vacation with my family and during that time I won't post anything because I'm going to relax and enjoy. :D I can't wait for the heat and swimming in the sea. Expect some sea photos.
28.6. idem na more sa svojom obitelji na 10 dana i za to vrijeme neću ništa objavljivati jer se idem opustiti i uživati. :D Jedva čekam onu pravu ljetnu vrućinu i osvježenje u moru. Očekujte morske fotke.
After that I'll start preparing for my driving test. :D
Nakon toga bih trebala krenuti polagati vozački. :D
There is something else which will make this summer awesome. I'm not sure about the date but I think that is the 1st of September. So on the 1st of September I'm going on a senior trip with my class to Spain for 7 days! :D I always wanted to see Spain and I'm glad it's finally happening. We will travel through Slovenia and Italy by bus, then in Italy we will go on a cruise ship that will take us to Spain and we will go back to Croatia by bus. I think that I'll have loads of photos and impressions which I'll want to share with you so prepare for that.
I još jedna zanimljivost, koja uz more ovo ljeto čini super. Nisam sigurna za datum, ali mislim da je 1.9. Znači 1.9. idem na maturalac u Španjolsku na 7 dana! :D Uvijek sam htjela vidjeti Španjolsku i drago mi je da će se to napokon ostvariti. Putovat ćemo kroz Sloveniju i Italiju autobusom, onda u Italiji idemo na brod do Španjolske i vraćamo se u Hrvatsku autobusom. Mislim da ću imati jako puno fotografija i dojmova koje ću htjeti podijeliti s vama pa se pripremite za to.
Enjoy in these beautiful sunny days. :*
Uživajte u ovim lijepim sunčanim danima. :*
Također mi napišite u komentarima što mislite o ovoj slici koju sam napravila. Meni se jako sviđa. I podijelite sa mnom svoje planove za ljeto. :)
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Hope you enjoy your trips and holidays this summer x
OdgovoriIzbrišiDanielle, Cup of Loveliness
P.S. the picture you created is lovely, very nautical :)
I will, thank you :D
IzbrišiThank you so much :))
Nisam se nadala da cu nakon dugog vremena naći odličan blog na dva jezika.
OdgovoriIzbrišiOdličan je ovaj post,i zelim ti dugo i lijepo ljetoo :))
Hvala ti :* Puno mi znači takav lijep komentar :D
IzbrišiI ja tebi želim lijepo ljeto i da se odmoriš ;)
Enjoy the summer!
OdgovoriIzbrišiSarah x
Thank you! :)