
I decided to use this summer and read as many books as I can. And so on Friday I went to my local library to renew my membership and to borrow a book. The Book Thief was borrowed, The Shadow of the Wind was also borrowed and then a lady who works there politely showed me some other Zafon's books. After I've read the text on the back of the book I decided for The prince of mist and I'm glad I borrowed it.
Odlučila sam iskoristiti ovo ljeto i pročitati što više knjiga. I tako sam u petak otišla do svoje gradske knjižnice obnoviti članarinu i posuditi neku knjigu. Kradljivica knjiga bila je posuđena, Sjena vjetra također i zatim mi je gospođa koja radi tamo ljubazno pokazala neke Zafonove knjige. Nakon što sam pročitala što piše na poleđini odlučila sam se za Princa magle i to definitivno ne žalim.
The Prince of Mist is the first Zafon's novel and it is amazing. I read it the same day I borrowed it, that fact speaks for itself. I didn't expect much and so I started reading. The story takes place during World War II and one family moves from the city to a smaller place, in a house that has a background legend. Until about sixth chapter nothing special had happened and I thought about taking a break, but then the story started developing and I couldn't put it down. I simply wanted to know what will happen next and how everything will turn out.
Princ magle je prvi Zafonov roman i mogu samo reći da je odličan. Pročitala sam ga isti dan kada sam ga posudila i mislim da vam to sve govori. Nisam očekivala puno i tako sam krenula čitati. Radnja se događa za vrijeme Drugog svjetskog rata i jedna obitelj seli se iz grada u jedno malo mjesto u kuću koja ima svoju legendu. Do negdje šestog poglavlja nije se dogodilo ništa posebno i mislila sam se malo odmoriti, ali onda su krenuli zapleti i nisam mogla spustiti knjigu. Jednostavno sam željela znati što će se sljedeće dogoditi i kako će sve ispasti.
Zafon is great in capturing events and introducing us to Max's, his family's and Roland's world. The end was unexpected but not every book can have a happy ending.
Zafon odlično dočarava događaje i prostore i uvodi nas u svijet Maxa, njegove obitelji i Rolanda. Neočekivani završetak je ono što je mene iznenadilo, ali ne može svaka knjiga imati sretan kraj.
In one moment, while I was reading, I was really into the book, it was something scary that got all my attention, so I jumped when my mum opened my door to tell me something. I wasn't so into a book, I haven't read it so quickly and I haven't had something so vivid in front of my eyes for a while. I would definitely recommend this novel and I want to share one Zafon's sentence in which he speaks to his readers:
"I like to believe that storytelling transcends age limitations, and I hope readers of my adult novels will be tempted to explore these stories of magic, mystery and adventure."(C.R. Zafon)
U jednom trenutku dok sam čitala, toliko sam se uživila u malo strašniji događaj da sam skočila kad je majka otvorila vrata sobe da mi nešto kaže. Dugo se nisam toliko uživila u knjigu, tako ju brzo pročitala i tako si vjerno sve dočarala pred svojim očima. Svima vam preporučam ovaj roman i za kraj jedna Zafonova rečenica u kojoj se obraća čitateljima:
"Volim vjerovati da pričanje priča nadilazi ograničenja koja nameće nečija dob, te se nadam da čitatelji mojih romana za odrasle neće odoljeti iskušenju da istraže ove priče pune čarolija, tajni i pustolovina." (C.R. Zafon.)
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