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Playing with braids

On Sunday evening I was trying to do Milkmaid braids and it didin't turn out very well so I tried to do something different. I took the braids that I have made for my Milkmaid braids and basically wrapped them around my head. I've pulled my left braid to the right and secured it with a bobby pin on the top of my head. I suck at explaining things like this. One more try. So, you pull the braid from the back to the front of your head and you do the same thing with the other one and you use bobby pins to secure them. I don't know if this exists or not but it is very interesting and something that I would like to do more often because it looks amazing. It's like you have Milkmaid braids on the back of your head and in the front of your head you have a halo braid.
I'm sorry about the bobby pins on the pictures. I wasn't trying to hide them because it was only an attempt.
Do you like when I post pictures of my attempts? :)


  1. ajme kako ti se kosa sjaji *.*
    volim pletenice, premda su moji pokušaji često završavali neuspjehom, a već dugo nemam tako dugu kosu da ih se uopće isplati plesti :)

    1. hvala ;)
      ja sam se već ispraksirala i stalno tražim neke nove vrste. I duga i kratka kosa imaju svoje prednosti i mane. :)

  2. Hi I love your blog and have nominated you for a Liebster Award: xxx


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