Bok svima!
Ovo je moj prvi DIY post i nadam se da će vam se svidjeti.
Hello everyone!
This is my first DIY post and I hope you like it.
Mojoj sestri je u četvrtak bio rođendan pa sam joj odlučila sama napraviti mali znak pažnje uz ostale poklone. Mislim da je lijepo kad nešto napravite sami jer svatko cijeni trud koji ste uložili u to.
Za ovo će vam trebati staklenka (ja sam htjela da bude mala, ali nigdje nisam mogla naći takvu pa sam kupila kašicu), zatim neka vrsta trakice, glitter boje s kojima ćete pisati po staklenci i bomboni koje ćete staviti unutra. Kašicu sam kupila u Mulleru, kao i bombone i trakicu, a glitter boje u Offertissimi.
It was my sister's birthday on Thursday so I decided to make her a small token of appreciation and give it to her with some other gifts. I think it's nice when you do something by yourself because everyone appreciates the effort you put in.
To make this you will need a jar (I wanted it to be small but I couldn't find a jar this small anywhere so I bought a jar of baby puree), ribbon, glitter colors which you'll use to write on the jar and candies which you'll put in the jar. I bought the baby puree, candies and ribbon in Muller and glitter colors in Offertissima.
Nakon što sam pojela kašicu (haha), oprala sam staklenku i s vrućom vodom skinula etiketu. Držite malo duže pod vrućom vodom kako bi etiketa omeškala i onda ju samo lagano zgulite. Kad se staklenka osušila koristeći glitter boje napisala sam sretan rođendan i nacrtala srčeka. Inače boje bi se trebale sušiti oko 3 sata ili više. Ja nisam čekala da se osuše već sam odmah stavila bombončeke unutra, zatvorila staklenku, zalijepila mašnicu na čep i to je to! :)
After I ate the baby puree (haha), I've washed the jar and used hot water to remove the label. You need to hold the jar a bit longer under the hot water so the label softens and then you just gently remove it. When the jar was dry I used the glitter colors to write happy birthday and to draw hearts. The colors should dry for 3 hours or more. I didn't wait for them to dry, I've put the candies inside, closed the jar and glued the bow on the lid. And that is it! :)
P.S. This pictures were taken when the glitter wasn't dry so it looks thick.
slatko i od srca, predivan poklončić :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala :)
IzbrišiOh my god are those smarties oh my god those are my favorite things ever, whyyy don't we have them in America? Sigh. Love your blog! :)
you don't have them?! i didn't know that
Izbrišithank you :D