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Jednostavan bullet journal za studente

Već duže vrijeme želim podijeliti svoj bullet journal, ali nikako da mi slike ispadnu onako kako želim pa ću morati prihvatiti da je ovo zasad najbolje što mogu. Mislim da ne trebam previše pisati i objašnjavati što i kako jer je sve vidljivo s fotografija. Moj bullet journal je dosta jednostavan i koliko god bih htjela da izgleda lijepo kao oni s Instagrama, to jednostavno nije moguće. Nemam baš najljepši rukopis i ne crtam najbolje. 😂  Meni je dobar, zadovoljna sam i to je najbitnije.

Book recommendations // Što čitati? #2

My last book recommendations blog post was a bit long, so today I'm going to try and keep it short. Nakon prošlog podužeg posta s preporukama za čitanje , danas pišem nešto kraći.  After finishing The Truth about Melody Browne, I started reading Final Girls by Riley Sager and finished it while I was on my vacation. It's actually a really good beach read. Then I've read In a Dark, Dark Wood by Ruth Ware. I gave both books four stars on Goodreads. They were good, I'm not sorry that I've read them, but they didn't leave me speechless. Quincy is the main character in Final Girls, she survived a massacre and became known as a final girl, just like Lisa and Samantha who have also survived a massacre. Quincy finds out that Lisa committed a suicide which turns out to be a homicide and Quincy's life turns upside down. Nora, the main character in the book In a Dark, Dark Wood, goes to a hen party of her friend Claire who she hasn't seen in ten years. Something ...

Some new things // Neke nove stvarčice

Instead of publishing another book recommendations post, I decided to write about some new things that I got. Every year, when my parents, sister or boyfriend ask me what I want for my birthday, I can't think, it's like my brain decides to switch off. This year I made some progress and actually thought about what I need and what I would buy for myself anyway.  Umjesto da odmah nakon što sam objavila post s preporukama za čitanje objavim još jedan, odlučila sam malo razbiti monotoniju i s vama podijeliti neke nove stvari koje sam dobila. Obično, kad me moji ili dečko pitaju što želim za rođendan, zablokiram i ne mogu se sjetiti ničega. Ove godine sam napredovala i razmišljala što mi treba tj. što bi si sama ionako kupila. At the beginning of summer, when it was still not too hot, I started exercising with Chloe Ting. One of her exercises, called the knee walk squat, was a bit challenging because I didn't have the right mat so I told my boyfriend that that could be my birthda...

Book recommendations // Što čitati? #1

This summer I've decided to invest more time in something I love - reading. I love the possibility of escaping from reality with a good book and to be honest I needed to take a break from reading for uni. When reading for uni I try to stay focused and concentrated the whole time and now I was reading for pleasure. I didn't bother with remembering details and with thinking is something important or not and I can confirm that this was a great change for my brain. Ovo ljeto odlučila sam se više posvetiti čitanju. Volim čitanje i volim bijeg u svijet mašte s dobrom knjigom, a trebalo mi je i malo odmora od štiva koje čitam za fakultet. Kada čitam nešto za fakultet trudim se biti fokusirana i koncentrirana cijelo vrijeme, a sada sam čitala za opuštanje i nisam se opterećivala pamćenjem detalja i razmišljanjem je li nešto bitno ili ne i mogu reći da je to bila odlična promjena za moj mozak.  The first book I've read this summer is The Hate U Give . I've heard about this book ...

Quick and easy autumn makeup

Recently when I'm in a rush and don't have too much time I do my makeup like this. I was thinking of writing a blog post but instead I filmed a video. Since it's a quick makeup look I tried to make the video short as well. It's very simple and quick and that's why I like it. After our holiday my skin is not in the best state so I was thinking if I should leave the close-ups of the makeup or not but in the end I decided to leave them. I'm not the only one with imperfect skin and it's a struggle because acne affect my confidence. I'm trying to sort it out and it's really annoying because my skin was good before the holiday. Hopefully it will get better soon. Thank you for watching! :) Products I used: Max Factor Healthy Skin Harmony Miracle foundation Rimmel Stay Matte pressed powder Essence Mosaic blush (35 natural beauty) Anastasia Beverly Hills Sun Dipped Maybelline Lash Sensational mascara Wet'n'Wild lipstick in the shade Cherry ...

Tidying up

The time has come for me to organize my make up corner and to throw away everything that has been collecting dust for a long time.  Napokon sam odlučila malo organizirati svoju make up kolekciju i baciti šminku koja već neko vrijeme skuplja prašinu. I really liked the Ebelin beauty sponge but I didn't use it in a long time and it has just been sitting in my make up corner. After not liking the beauty sponge I bought in Muller (if you want to see what I think about it you can click on this link:  Body&Soul makeup sponge ) this one was quite a surprise. I'm not sure when did I buy it but if they haven't made some major changes, then it's a good beauty sponge considering its price. Ebelin beauty spužvicu nisam koristila već dugo dugooo, a i već duže vrijeme samo stoji u mom make up kutku pa je vrijeme da ju bacim. Iako mi se nije svidio blender iz Mullera (ako želite vidjeti moje dojmove o njemu kliknite na ovaj link:  Body&Soul makeup sponge ), ...

Summer holidays 2018

This sunny September day is perfect to look back on our holiday and remember the hot summer days! I tried to make this video as short as possible, I've found a nice background song and  voila. I'm really happy with how the video turned out and I hope you like it as well. Thank you for watching! Sunčana rujanska nedjelja i prisjećanje na ovogodišnji odmor, nema boljega! P otrudila sam se da video ne bude predug, našla dobru pozadinsku pjesmu i voila. Zadovoljna sam kako je video ispao i nadam se da će se i vama svidjeti. Hvala na gledanju! Facebook   |  Twitter  |  Bloglovin   |  YouTube