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Book recommendations // Što čitati? #1

This summer I've decided to invest more time in something I love - reading. I love the possibility of escaping from reality with a good book and to be honest I needed to take a break from reading for uni. When reading for uni I try to stay focused and concentrated the whole time and now I was reading for pleasure. I didn't bother with remembering details and with thinking is something important or not and I can confirm that this was a great change for my brain.

Ovo ljeto odlučila sam se više posvetiti čitanju. Volim čitanje i volim bijeg u svijet mašte s dobrom knjigom, a trebalo mi je i malo odmora od štiva koje čitam za fakultet. Kada čitam nešto za fakultet trudim se biti fokusirana i koncentrirana cijelo vrijeme, a sada sam čitala za opuštanje i nisam se opterećivala pamćenjem detalja i razmišljanjem je li nešto bitno ili ne i mogu reći da je to bila odlična promjena za moj mozak. 

The first book I've read this summer is The Hate U Give. I've heard about this book after the murder of George Floyd and I'm so glad I read it because the book is amazing. A teenage girl Starr and her friend Khalil are pulled over by the police and it ends by a police officer shooting Khalil. We follow Starr through the book while she's trying to be brave enough to speak up for Khalil. This book is a great introduction for other books with similar topic. I find reading this type of books a bit difficult because I can't believe that things like this are still happening in 2020, that someone forms their opinion about another human being based on the colour of their skin. 

Krenut ću po redu. Prva knjiga koju sam pročitala ovo ljeto bila je Taj hejt u glavi. Knjiga za koju do ubojstva Georgea Floyda nisam čula, ali mi je tako drago što sam ju pročitala jer je knjiga odlična. Tinejdžericu Starr i njezinog prijatelja Khalila zaustavlja policija, a sve završava njegovim ubojstvom. Kroz knjigu pratimo Starr koja skuplja hrabrost da izbori pravdu za ubojstvo svoga prijatelja. Ako se niste puno susretali s ovom tematikom ova knjiga je odličan uvod. Meni je uvijek nekako teško kada čitam ovakve knjige jer ne mogu vjerovati da se i 2020. događaju ovakve stvari, da se mišljenje o nekom ljudskom biću donosi na temelju boje kože.

The Kind Worth Killing left me speechless. I haven't read a book that impressed me this much for a long time. This is my first time reading a book by Peter Swanson and I immediately went to check if my local library has his other books because if they are this good then they are definitely worth my time. The way the author created the characters and their personalities and how he built connections between them is really impressive. Ted meets an unfamiliar woman named Lily at the airport. Later, they are planning a murder of his wife Miranda and that's when things get interesting...

Sljedeća knjiga je Zaslužili su ubojstvo. Za ovu knjigu nemam riječi. Dugo nisam pročitala knjigu koja me je ovako zadivila. Ovo mi je prva knjiga Petera Swansona i odmah sam išla pogledati je li još koja njegova knjiga dostupna jer ako su i ostale ovako dobre onda su definitivno vrijedne moga vremena i čitanja. Način na koji je autor izgradio likove i njihovu osobnost te način na kojih ih je povezao stvarno je impresivan. Ted susreće nepoznatu ženu imena Lily na aerodromu i kasnije planiraju ubojstvo njegove žene Mirande i tako sve kreće...

The next book I've read is And Then She Was Gone. After reading The Kind Worth Killing the bar was set very high. This book is also good. I agree with the author who wrote that it is a litle bizarre. A girl named Ellie disappeared when she was 15 and no one knows what happened to her, there is no lead that would help the police. Unfortunately, 10 years later Ellie's remains are found and her mom meets a man whose daughter Poppy looks a lot like Ellie. The resemblance between them is unbelievable.

Zatim sam pročitala A onda je nestala. Nakon čitanja knjige Zaslužili su ubojstvo, ljestvica je bila postavljena dosta visoko. Ova knjiga je također dobra, autorica je rekla da je malo bizarna i slažem se s tom izjavom. Djevojčica imena Ellie nestala je s 15 godina i nitko ne zna što se dogodilo, gubi joj se svaki trag. Nažalost, 10 godina kasnije pronađeni su Ellieni ostaci, a njezina majka upoznaje muškarca čija kćer Poppy nevjerojatno liči Ellie. 

The Wife Between Us is my least favourite book. I'm not sure is it because of the way I read it, the way it was written or is it something else. I saw that it is a popular book so I expected much more. At first I thought it was interesting but the beginning was quite monotonous, then at one point I got confused, something started happening around the middle of the book and the final part of the book was my favourite.

Knjiga Ona između nas najmanje mi se svidjela od svih pročitanih, ne znam je li zbog načina na koju sam ju čitala, načina na koji je pisana ili je nešto drugo u pitanju. Očekivala sam puno više od ove knjige jer mi se činilo da je popularna. Na prvu mi se činila zanimljivom, ali početak je bio monoton, u jednom trenutku bila sam zbunjena, nešto se počelo događati tek oko sredine, a zadnji dio knjige bio mi je najbolji. 

And the last book I'm going to include in this post is another book by Lisa Jewell, who also wrote And Then She Was Gone. The book is called The Truth About Melody Browne and it is so different from the previously mentioned books but that does not mean that it is not good. The protagonist is Melody Browne who doesn't remember anything before she turned 9. After being hypnotised (she didn't volunteer, she was randomly selected from the audience) she starts getting flashbacks. She slowly starts putting these pieces together determined to find out the truth about her childhood.

I zadnja knjiga koju ću uključiti u ovaj post još je jedna knjiga Lise Jewell, autorice knjige A onda je nestala. Knjiga se zove Istina o Melody Browne i toliko je drugačija od prethodno spomenutih knjiga, a opet ništa manje bolja. Knjiga prati Melody Browne koja se ne sjeća ničega prije svoje devete godine i kojoj se nakon hipnoze (koju nije tražila, izabrana je iz publike) počinju vraćati komadići sjećanja koje ona istraživanjem o svome djetinjstvu polako slaže u cjelovitu sliku. 

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