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Looking back: my 18 wishes and decisions

Last year on my birthday I published 18 wishes and decisions blog post and today on my 19th I decided to look that list again and write a review. I see that I can cross two things because they happened. I finished fourth grade of high school so much better than expected, passed the traffic law test and the driver license is in my wallet. :D

Prošle godine sam na svoj rođendan objavila post 18 wishes and decisions, a danas sam, na svoj devetnaesti rođendan, odlučila pogledati tu listu i napisati osvrt. Brzinski pogledavši listu, vidim da dvije stvari mogu prekrižiti jer su se ostvarile. Četvrti razred srednje škole sam završila i više nego uspješno, test iz prometnih propisa sam položila i vozačka je u novčaniku. :D

As for the other things on the list, we'll start like this. I'm not less hasty yet, but I try. I exercise every day because of scoliosis and I often do some exercises that are not only for my back, so I'm very successful there. I use every day as much as I can, I do things that I love and  enjoy in every day and minute.

Što se tiče ostalih stvari na listi, krenuti ćemo ovako. Manje brzopleta još uvijek nisam, ali trudim se. Svaki dan vježbam zbog skolioze i ponekad ubacim i neke druge vježbe koje nisu samo za leđa, tako da sam tu vrlo uspješna. Svaki dan iskoristim najviše što mogu, radim stvari koje volim i uživam u svakom danu i minuti.

I think I was very productive, not so much on my blog but in school and in learning for my final exams because I passed them better than expected considering that I started learning for them when school finished. I try not to complain on stupid things but be thankful on what I have.

Mislim da sam bila vrlo produktivna, ne toliko na blogu, već u školi, ali i u vezi učenja za maturu jer maturu sam položila i bolje nego što sam očekivala, s obzirom da sam se baš prihvatila učenja nakon što je škola završila. Trudim se ne žaliti na glupe stvari, nego biti zahvalna na onome što imam.

That was my quick review! :) I have learned so much in this nineteen years, but there is a lot of things I need to learn and there is still much more ahead. I hope you have all have a lovely day! Enjoy! :)

I to je bio moj brzinski osvrt! :) Puno toga sam naučila u ovih devetnaest godina, ali puno toga još moram naučiti i puno toga me još čeka. Želim vam svima lijep i ugodan dan! Uživajte! :)

Here's my latest video: :)


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