I first wanted to call this post Spots, imperfections, acnes..., but then I realized that its point is feeling confident and comfortable in your body. Just think about how many times you have met a boy or a girl who thinks that imperfections on their face are stopping them in feeling comfortable in their own body?! That is the world we live in, the world we created. Prvo sam mislila nazvati ovaj post Spots, imperfections, acnes..., ali onda sam shvatila da je njegova poanta zapravo osjećaj samopouzdanja i osjećaj ugode u vlastitom tijelu. Sjetite se samo koliko ste se puta susreli s djevojkom ili s mladićem koji misle da ih nepravilnosti na njihovom licu sprječavaju u osjećaju ugode u vlastitom tijelu?! Takav je današnji svijet, svijet koji smo mi stvorili. And so we get to makeup. I love it and I love that I feel comfortable wearing it and I have more confidence but makeup is something that is given too much attention and the reason why teenage girls and some older ...