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May favorites

Hi everyone! :)
Today I will write something about my monthly favorites.
My eyeshadow favorites include the Iconic 1 palette  and one small palette with green eyeshadows. Green eyeshadows were definitely my favorites during May. As soon as the sun came out I wanted an eyeshadow which I don't wear often and which would make my eyes pop, so I decided to wear green eyeshadows. Green eyeshadows are really great if you want some kind of a change. Iconic 1 palette is my favorite ever since I've got it. I love it and it's not my favorite just this month but it'll be my favorite until I use it up.

Bok svima! :) 
Danas ću vam napisati nešto o svojim mjesečnim favoritima.
Prvo su sjenila, i to Iconic 1 paleta i jedna mala paletica zelenih sjenila iz Muller kofera sa šminkom. Zelena sjenila su nekako obilježila moj svibanj. Čim je Sunce provirilo htjela sam neko sjenilo koje ne nosim često, a koje bi istaknulo moje oči i odluka je pala na zeleno. Zelena sjenila su stvarno odlična za malu promjenu looka. Iconic 1 paleta moj je favorit otkad sam ju dobila. Obožavam ju i ona nije samo favorit ovog mjeseca već će biti moj favorit sve dok je ne potrošim.

The Aveo lotion is really great and I only have words of praise for it. It absorbs fast, smells great - it's just awesome. :D

Aveo losion je stvarno odličan i imam samo riječi hvale za njega. Brzo se upija, odlično miriši - ma jednostavno je super. :D
The last thing, a nail polish, is not actually mine, it's from my friend but I had to put it in my favorites because it's amazing. The name of the nail polish is Wild violets and after it dries it smells like violets. I mean is there anything better than a nail polish which smells like flowers?! Even on the second day I could still feel the scent, although it wasn't that intense like on the first day. I don't know the price because it wasn't  bought in Croatia. I'm not even sure is it available here...

Zadnja stvar, a to je lak, zapravo nije moja nego od prijateljice, ali morala sam ga uvrstiti u favorite jer je odličan. Ime laka je Wild violets i nakon što se osuši  miriši po ljubičicama.  Mislim ima li išta bolje od laka koji miriši po cvijeću?! Dan nakon što sam nalakirala nokte miris se još osjećao, ali ne toliko intenzivno kao prvi dan. Ne znam cijenu, jer lak nije kupljen u Hrvatskoj. Nisam ni sigurna je li uopće dostupan ovdje kod nas...
Now on to non-cosmetic favorites. The songs I've been listening to this month and I'm still enjoying them are Problem by Ariana Grande, Miss Movin' On, Who are you and Better together by Fifth Harmony. Those songs were literally on repeat and I'm surprised that I didn't get bored of them.
The show which is this month's favorite is Once upon a time. It's great, I love it and I can't wait to see what will happen next. It's just soooo good!
My movie favorite is The Intouchables. The movie is very good. While watching it you realize how happy you are that you have everything and that you need to enjoy life.

Sada na ne kozmetičke favorite. Pjesme koje sam stalno slušala ovaj mjesec i koje mi još uvijek nisu dosadile su Ariana Grande: Problem, Fifth Harmony: Miss Movin' On, Who are you i Better together. Te pjesme su se doslovno samo ponavljale i čudim se da mi nisu dosadile.
Serija koja je favorit ovog mjeseca je Jednom davno. Odlična je, sviđa mi se i jedva čekam rješenje svih zapleta. Tako je dobra!
Što se tiče filma, to su Nedodirljivi. Film je odličan i dok ga gledaš shvatiš kako si sretan što imaš sve i da trebaš uživati u životu.

That is it from me today! Enjoy! :)

To je to od mene za danas! Uživajte! :)


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