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Prikazuju se postovi od lipanj, 2016

Sunday Fitness Motivation

If you're spending your Sunday doing nothing maybe it's a good idea to find some time for exercising,  if that's not part of your daily routine yet. Since I was diagnosed with scoliosis two years ago, I do exercises for my back. However, I also try to do some other exercises, like ab exercises, but nothing special or hard. I also go for a run sometimes. Ako nedjelju koristite za odmaranje možda je dobra ideja da nađete i malo vremena za vježbanje ako to već nije uključeno u vašu rutinu. Još prije dvije godine otkad mi je dijagnosticirana skolioza radim vježbe za leđa i dodala sam različite vježbe za  npr. trbušne mišiće, ali ništa specijalno i teško. Uz to, ponekad i trčim.  In my April favourites , I mentioned Lucy Wyndham-Read . If you still haven't I recommend you check out her channel. I still do my scoliosis exercises but since the beginning of April instead of thinking what exercises I'm going to combine with them I simply go on her channel and work o...