Preskoči na glavni sadržaj


Prikazuju se postovi od prosinac, 2013

The last day of 2013!

It is the last day of 2013 and I don't know am I happy or not... This was a good year, I think. When I look back I remember how 2013 started and 2014 will start in the same way, at home. But that is ok. At least I don't have to prepare for a party haha. It's almost 3pm here so I'm going to eat some pastries now, watch tv, read a book and then I will welcome the new year with my family. I'm not that kind of a person who makes resolutions at the end of the year. I try to do things that make me happy because it is the only way I can be happy. If you want to do something then do it, you don't know how much time you have left so use in the best way you can. I wish you all the best in 2014, try to do something different, work on realizing your dreams and do the things that make you happy. Happy New Year!

New Year's Eve Hair idea (dutch braid curls)

I washed my hair and left it to dry for 30 minutes before doing dutch braids In the morning Just do one braid on each side and that is it ;)

New Year's Eve nail idea

December favourites (english)

Hello everyone! Since it is the end of December I decided to write about my monthly favourites. I would like to start with teas. They are something that I can drink anytime but I like drinking them during the winter. My favourite are blueberry and winter magic (zimska čarolija). Blueberry has become my favourite recently and I'm drinking it every day. Winter magic has attracted me with name, cinnamon and cookies in it. :)

December favourites (hrvatski)

Bok svima! Kako se bliži kraj prosinca odlučila sam da ću danas pisati o svojim favoritima. Prvo bih željela započeti s nečim što nema veze s kozmetikom, a to su čajevi. Oni su nešto što mogu piti u svako doba godine, ali ih najviše volim piti zimi. Zato sam izdvojila dva koja najviše pijem, a to su borovnica i zimska čarolija. Za borovnicu ne mogu reći da mi je oduvijek bila favorit, ali to se sad definitivno promijenilo jer ju pijem svaki dan. Čaj zimska čarolija privukao me imenom, a onda i mirisom cimeta i keksa. Svakako nešto što vrijedi probati. :)

Something about me

Bok svima! Zovem se Anamaria i još sam jedna u nizu djevojaka koja će ovdje objavljivati svoje postove.  Ovaj blog sam pokrenula jer u zadnje vrijeme stalno gledam videozapise na Youtubeu i željela sam napraviti nešto slično, ali još nemam hrabrosti za snimanje i objavljivanje pa mi se blog činio kao super rješenje.  Nadam se da će Vam se svidjeti moji postovi i da vam neću biti naporna.  Želim svima sretne blagdane i uskoro očekujte novi post! :) I'm writing this in English because who knows maybe someone will read it.  Hello to everyone, my name is Anamaria and I started this blog because I love watching videos on Youtube.  You'll find tutorials, DIYs and many other things here.  That is it for now.  Happy holidays everyone!  Bye! :)